Halloween Contact Lenses

Halloween contact lenses can add a great deal of style and elegance to your Halloween costume. Aside from fashion enthusiasts, they are also worn by people who use corrective lenses for eye defects such as astigmatism, hyperopia, myopia and presbyopia.

Different Types of Halloween/Costume contact lenses

Halloween contact lenses are soft lenses painted with various colors for theatrical or costume purposes. They are manufactured along with corrective contact lenses by various eyewear companies. To ensure optimal safety, the eyewear-manufacturing companies use pain materials that are not toxic or irritating to eye tissues.

They come in a wide array of designs: vampire red, banshee, snake eyes, cat’s eyes, spirals, and many others. Halloween contact lenses are usually opaque on the edges to fully cover your eye color and clear on the center tomaintain your visual function. However, some designs like white-outs and black-outs are completely opaque and cause a fully blocked vision. Therefore, they should only be worn whenever necessary and not for extended periodsof time.

Costume contact lenses are usually round in shape and only cover your eye’s iris. Nevertheless, other types of Halloween contact lenses are scleral, which means that they cover the entire eye surface, including the sclera. These are used exclusively for special eye effects and are a bit more expensive; they are also difficult to wear.

Choosing the Ideal Halloween Contact Lenses

Choosing the right pair of Halloween contact lenses ensures that your eyewear will not only be comfortable to wear, but safe as well. As such, only high-quality contact lens brands should be considered for purchase.

At present, the most widely-known contact lens brand are Wild Eyes from Ciba Vision and Crazy lenses manufactured by Cooper vision. These brands are guaranteed high-quality, convenient to wear, and have a wide variety of colors and designs.

Soft and high-quality Halloween contact lenses feel completely comfortable in your eyes; it doesn’t give you any discomfort and it requires no adjustment time. Nevertheless, if you don’t use contacts on a daily basis and would want to make sure that your lenses would perfectly fit your eyes, you might want to try wearing them for a few hours daily before the Halloween party.

Halloween contact lenses might be inconvenient or uncomfortable to use for extended periods of time. Since they are generally thicker because of the extralayer of paint, they are more likely to impede the flow of oxygen in the eyes. Therefore, they should be worn for no longer than 8 hours daily. Always remove them before going to bed.

Contact Lenses Require the Doctor’s Prescription

For safety purposes, it would be most advisable to seek first the expert medicaladvice of your doctor before ordering any type of contact lenses. Some lenses are unsafe and could damage your eyes, introduce eye infection or cause blindness in the worst-case scenario. Although they come with instructions, inserting Halloween contact lenses into your eyes may be difficult to do at first; as such, you should ask your doctor about how to correctly put them in.

Where can I order Halloween contact lenses?

People usually order contact lenses from the doctor’s clinic, yet this can be very expensive. You will definitely save more buy ordering from an online eyewear retailer; but be sure to check the online shop’s background first so as to make sure that they are legit, safe and reliable.Halloween contact lenses would complete your Halloween costume. Putting them in takes just less than a minute and requires minimum maintenance. Consult your opthalmologist now.