Coloured contact lenses these days are not only able to assist with good eyesight it is also being utilized as a fashion accessory. Because of the changes that contact lenses can bring to the looks a lot of people will rather have it as a fashion wear rather than to help them have good eyesight. Using disposal coloured contact lenses can easily transform your daily looks into a fashionable one.
A lot of people have found out that by changing the colors of the eyes, they can drastically change their whole look. As more and more turn to disposable contact lenses to change the way they look, a lot of companies also sell them at a lower cost. Contact lenses can now alter your look with shades of blue, green, gray or brown as well as exotic colors like violet, topaz and many more. When you want a whole new look then using colored contact lenses will do you wonders, here are some tips in choosing the best color that will suit your face.
Selecting Your Color
When choosing which eye color will fit best, there are several ways to actually check for yourself. Make sure that the contact type can blend well into your original eye color. For example if your eyes are blue, you can adjust them to different shades like bright blue, blue gray or sparkling blue. If you have brown colored eyes then you can adjust them to hazelnut to dazzling green. Remember that wearing these contacts will produce a lighter or a darker shade for your eyes but it will not completely change your eye color. So if you plan to make your eye color standout, just opt for a simply light to dark or dark to light shades.
Consider Your Skin and Hair Color

If you wish to make changes to your eye color without being to flashy about it, you should also consider the color of your skin and hair. A good contrast will be the best option, for example if you have a dark skin color and dark hair shade then you may want to consider light blue coloured contact lenses. Dark green or hazel eyes are best for people with fair skin and blondes.
Consider Your Skin Texture
Another thing that you can consider is your skin texture. People with a slight dark skin and dark hair should go for golden brown or dark green look to exude a more natural change. Fair skin people should be choosing lighter shades coloured contact lenses. Depending on how you look naturally you should be able to choose the perfect look that will suit you.
Right before you put on any colored contact lenses or any contact regular lenses, it is best that you consult your eye doctor for an eye test. They are the best people to recommend which brand will suit your eyes or if it is safe to use the product. Doctors will also recommend how you should be able to take better care for your eyes.